About Us

It struck me, when I came to furnish my own place, that although there are lots of magazines and blogs around that feature Second Life fashion, there are none that do the same thing for Second Life interior design – although everyone agrees that there’s a lot of terrific stuff out there.

In addition, people are joining Second Life at an enormous rate, and looking for apartments, and ways to fill them. Other people are looking to upgrade – and there’s always people looking for the latest ‘must have’ – as well as people wanting advice on using prims cleverly, or making rooms look better – from tweaks to complete makeovers. Prim Perfect will cover all this and more.

One feature each month will be a showcase apartment – each month in a different sim. We will take a simple, bare apartment and ask a different designer each month to design a concept and furnish it. This will then feature in a major photoshoot that will be at the core of each magazine. We see it as a great opportunity to showcase the work of the designer. Of course, this won’t be a once-and-only opportunity. We hope to work with designers, so if they have a major collection coming out that they want to showcase, we could feature them again.

And, of course, this will publicise the sim where the apartment is situated, so people looking to rent out apartments will benefit too!

But for readers there will be a chance to win a really lovely prize – a month rent-free in the fully furnished, showcased apartment.

In addition, there will be regular features, such as the latest must-buys, news of new outlets, helpful hints and information. Each month we’ll feature the beautiful home of a SL resident, talking about how they furnished it and why. There will be advertising – both from designers and realtors. And we are also planning on running competitions and prize draws to attract readers.

And we’ll also have a problem page – because people do have problems with homes and furniture – and Prim Perfect will do our best to help!


  1. We’ll be happy to visit, Amiryu.

    Mark – by and large we’re interested in non-commercial builds – homes and gardens. But we’re always willing to take a look at really good design, or unusual features that we think out readers would love!

  2. I Dunno nufink about “second life” except an article in a newspaper where a man had created a second-life widow in the real world by having a virtual “second wife”, but I blog about a beach hut community called Mudeford Sandbank where huts have fetched £140,000, probably the most expensive you are likely to come across. For example people are paying £575 a week for a 15×10 foot beach hut that allows up to five to sleep in for the holiday.You can get an idea from “Youtube”, I remember.

    see http:www.msbnews.co.uk and my links to other beach hut sites for possible ideas to create a virtual Mudeford Sandbank….or similar if it does not yet exist?

    …me I’m not ready for “second life” (probably) but there is stuff at MSB you could use to fire a few imaginations, perhaps.

    PS see http://www.msbnews.co.uk/archives/msn2p15.html
    or because this might feed to the welcome page click on http://www.msbnews.co.uk and go to the A-Z archive from the home page and click on the “I” (Internet) article. It is a suggestion this might happen I picked up from a Radio programme (cited) you might also know about!

    You are welcome!

    Let me know if anything comes of this?

    Tim Baber

  3. Pingback: Carpet Boy
  4. Dear Prim Perfect-

    We at Talon Faire would be thrilled to have your team pop in sometime! Featuring a uniquely ecclectic mix of ladnscapin, home decor and low-prim items, we feel we have much to offer our fellow Residents.

    I was curious as well, as to is there actual advertising offered and if so, where are the particulars? Thank you kindly – hope to see you at Talon Faire!

    Talon Faire

    http://slurl.com/secondlife/Misto%20Presto/216/21/155“>Talon Faire

  5. In reading through the site I see that there tends to be a focus on interior design. I also dont know how one submits a hot new item that just came on the market, so I will just mention it here.

    This week (today actually) I finally was able to complete development and packaging of my Photo Realistic flowing 15-Pack of Water Sculpties with textures – a Master Builders Kit.

    I had been asked by many builders to convert the creation of my sculpted water prims in my own builds to a pack of sculpties that they can use because they havent seen water flowing sculpties look so real. So after months of distractions.. I finally did.

    Its called “RAGING WATERS” Sculpty & Texture pack. You can see some of the photos of them in use on XSTREET (as well as a short youtube video of them in use in-world). But the pictures dont do them justice.

    Link to them in Xstreet:

    Anyway, if this isnt where a new hot product is mentioned… please forgive me.

    Toysoldier Thor

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